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Droughts, Water Conservation & Structure Preservation

Image courtesy of Texas AgriLife Today

With back to back years of drought, coupled with this year’s record-breaking Summer temps, Texas has been feeling hot and parched. Though we are starting to see rain revisit us again, we still have an uphill climb to overcome the deficit. How can Texas residents and communities persevere wisely while awaiting those good ol’ soakers that can get us back where we need to be?

We’ve gathered tips from various experts and hope they will be a benefit to us all as we strive to help conserve our precious water resources, as well as preserve our personal and community structures.


The type of heat and drought Texas has been experiencing can spell big trouble for a foundation! The heat and lack of rain causes the soil to dry up and pull away from the foundation, which can quickly lead to foundational cracking, plumbing issues due to shifting and more. Per KXAN, “foundation repairs can range $10k-$50k, depending on the severity”. Ouch!

With 78% of Texas under at least “severe drought conditions” as of the end of August, according to Texas Water Resources Institute, most regions of the state are at high risk for foundation problems. Of course, prevention is always key; but even for those of us that were less prepared on the front end, we can still act now to pump moisture in before it gets too late.

Experts recommend:

  • Watering the foundation at least 3x/week for 15 minutes on each side of the structure using either an emitter hose or soaker hose to control the water flow


Who doesn’t prefer a pretty, lush lawn over one that looks like straw? We can do our best to maintain the aesthetics of our landscaping during a season of drought while also helping conserve the limited supply of water available by following a couple of tips:

  • Water first thing in the morning, preferably before the sun rises. If we water while the sun is high, we’re wasting our time and resources due to evaporation

  • Use mulch in beds to improve soil health and save water

  • Enjoy native or drought tolerant plant varieties

Water Conservation at Home

As members of a community, we want to be neighborly and do our part to help make our resources last! A few ways we can protect our water supply amidst prevalent drought is:

  • Inspect our home for any leaks and fix them asap. According to TCEQ, “fixing household leaks can save up to an average of 10% on water bills”

  • Keep that shower to 10 minutes or less

  • Consider rainwater harvesting (which would require rain–we see the irony)

As we enter a fresh season, we do so with high hopes that relief is on the horizon! May your Fall be filled with cooler temps and replenishing rains.

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